SQL Query Optimization with ChatGPT 

Optimizing SQL queries can be a bit of a headache, especially when you're staring at complex query plans. These plans are packed with useful info, but making sense of them and figuring out what to tweak can be tricky. That’s where using ChatGPT for SQL can be super helpful.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to pull query plans from popular databases like PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL and then show you how to craft effective prompts for ChatGPT. The secret sauce here is context. The more details you give—like query plans, database schema, and indexing info—the better ChatGPT can help you fine-tune those queries.

Understanding SQL Query Plans

A SQL query plan, or execution plan, is like a roadmap the database uses to figure out how to get the data you’re asking for. When you run a query, the SQL engine comes up with different ways it could fetch the data and pick what it thinks is the best route. The query plan breaks down all the steps it’ll take, like using indexes, scanning tables, or joining data, so you can see exactly how your query will be executed. By looking at this plan, you can spot things like full table scans or expensive sorting that might slow things down.

Query plans are super important for optimizing your queries because they show you where things might be getting bogged down. If you understand what’s happening under the hood, you can tweak your queries to run faster. This is where ChatGPT comes in handy—it can help you make sense of those sometimes confusing query plans, explain what's causing delays, and suggest ways to improve performance. Whether it’s suggesting changes to your query, hinting at better index use, or identifying unnecessary steps, ChatGPT can guide you through optimizing your SQL for smoother, quicker results.

To optimize SQL queries with ChatGPT, it's essential to include the query plan in the prompt. The query plan shows the steps the database takes to execute your query, helping identify potential slowdowns or inefficiencies. By sharing this plan, ChatGPT can provide more accurate advice tailored to the specific way your database is processing the query. Without it, any optimization suggestions would be mostly guesswork, as the plan contains key details like which indexes are used, how tables are joined, and where scans or sorts occur.

PostgreSQL To extract the query plan in PostgreSQL, you can use the EXPLAIN command:

  • EXPLAIN : This provides a basic overview of how the database intends to execute your query.

  • EXPLAIN ANALYZE : This goes a step further by actually running the query and providing a detailed, real-time execution plan, including the time taken for each operation. This is incredibly useful for understanding the actual performance impact of the query.

SQLite For SQLite, the command is a bit different:

  • EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN : This command generates a high-level description of the query execution plan, indicating which indexes and tables are being used. While it doesn’t go as deep as some other databases, it still offers valuable insights into potential bottlenecks.

MySQL In MySQL, the EXPLAIN command is used to obtain the query plan:

  • EXPLAIN : This provides a detailed breakdown of how the query will be executed, including the join type, which indexes are being used, and how the data is being filtered. This information is crucial for pinpointing which parts of the query need optimisation.

Building a High-Context Prompt for ChatGPT

When building a high-context prompt for ChatGPT to optimise your SQL query, it’s essential to include as much relevant information as possible. This allows ChatGPT to analyse the situation accurately and provide tailored advice.

Information to Include in the Prompt for Optimal Results

  • Query Plan: Include the output from commands like EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN ANALYZE, or EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN. This shows ChatGPT how the database processes the query, identifying steps like full table scans, joins, or sorting that might be causing slowdowns.

  • Database Schema: Describe the tables involved in the query, including the names, data types, and any primary or foreign keys. This helps ChatGPT understand the relationships between tables.

  • Indexes: Mention which indexes are present on the tables, including the columns they cover. This information is critical because the effectiveness of indexes heavily impacts query performance.

  • Data Distribution: Provide insights into the data distribution, such as the number of rows in each table or if specific columns have unique values. Knowing this helps ChatGPT make more informed suggestions about indexing or rewriting the query.

  • Ask for Explanation: Prompt ChatGPT to explain its reasoning behind any optimisation suggestions. This will not only allow you to fact-check its recommendations but also give you a clearer understanding of the logic behind each step.

By structuring your prompt this way, you give ChatGPT a full picture, making its optimization tips more precise and useful. Also, it's a good idea to ask for an explanation of its suggestions. This way, you can easily fact-check them and get a clearer sense of the thinking behind each step.


By supplying a detailed query plan, outlining the database schema, describing the indexes, and sharing insights on data distribution, you set up ChatGPT to offer specific, actionable advice. This method transforms query optimization from guesswork to a targeted approach, allowing ChatGPT to recommend strategies that address the unique nuances of your database.

Whether you’re dealing with PostgreSQL, SQLite, or MySQL, including these details will maximize the quality of ChatGPT's guidance. Moreover, asking for explanations behind its suggestions helps in understanding the reasoning, making it easier to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed optimizations. By using high-context prompts and taking advantage of ChatGPT SQL plugins, you can ensure your SQL queries are faster and more efficient, enhancing the performance of your database applications.