SQL For Product Analytics

Product analytics is the key to deeply understanding how users interact with your product, helping you to improve the user experience, boost engagement, and drive growth. This article explores how SQL is used in product analytics, offering practical examples and introducing an AI-assistant that can generate SQL queries for you in seconds, eliminating the need to write complex code yourself.

sql for product analytics and visualization

The Problem with SQL in Product Analytics

Product analytics requires continuous data exploration. As product people dig into user behavior, each answer often sparks new questions, requiring more queries. This iterative process typically involves writing numerous SQL queries, which are all potentially complex and time-consuming. This limits the depth of insights teams can extract from their data and slows down decision-making processes. Fortunately, AI tools can generate these queries for us.

Example Use Cases & Queries

Before we dive into specific examples, it's important to note that the following queries are based on a hypothetical database schema. In practice, you'd need to adapt these queries to match your own database structure. However, tools like BlazeSQL can simplify this process significantly. By connecting directly to your database, such AI-powered tools can automatically generate appropriate queries tailored to your specific schema, eliminating the need for manual SQL writing.

Let's examine some common product analytics scenarios, exploring their business value, technical approach, and SQL implementation:


1. Onboarding Funnel Analysis

Understanding where users drop off during onboarding is crucial for improving conversion rates. This analysis helps identify the steps where users struggle most, allowing you to focus your efforts on improving those specific areas of the onboarding process.

From a technical perspective, this query counts the number of unique users who completed each step of a three-step onboarding process. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  • The COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) function counts unique users, avoiding duplicates.

  • The CASE WHEN ... THEN ... END statements create conditional counts. For example, CASE WHEN step1_completed = 1 THEN user_id END only counts users who completed step 1.

  • The WHERE clause filters the data to a specific date range.


Here's the SQL query to perform this analysis:



    COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS total_users,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN step1_completed = 1 THEN user_id END) AS  step1_completed,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN step2_completed = 1 THEN user_id END) AS step2_completed,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN step3_completed = 1 THEN user_id END) AS step3_completed

FROM onboarding_events

WHERE event_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-12-31';


This query, while not overly complex, requires understanding SQL aggregations and conditional statements. For someone new to SQL, crafting this query could take significant time and effort.


2. Feature Usage Analysis

Tracking feature usage helps prioritize development efforts and identify underutilized features that may need improvement or better promotion. This analysis can guide product development strategies and help allocate resources more effectively.

Technically, this query aggregates feature usage data over the past 30 days. Here's how it works:

  • The SELECT statement specifies which data to retrieve: the feature name, unique users, and total uses.

  • COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) counts unique users for each feature.

  • COUNT(*) counts all rows, giving the total number of uses.

  • The WHERE clause filters data to the last 30 days using DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY).

  • GROUP BY feature_name groups the results by feature.

  • ORDER BY unique_users DESC sorts features by popularity.


Here's the SQL query for this analysis:




    COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS unique_users,

    COUNT(*) AS total_uses

FROM feature_usage_events


GROUP BY feature_name

ORDER BY unique_users DESC;


While this query is relatively straightforward, it introduces concepts like date functions and grouping, which can be challenging for SQL beginners. More complex feature analysis might require joining multiple tables or using window functions, significantly increasing the query's complexity.


3. User Segmentation

Effective user segmentation allows for targeted product improvements and personalized marketing efforts. By understanding the characteristics of different user groups, you can tailor your product and marketing strategies to meet their specific needs.

This query segments users based on their lifetime value and calculates the average engagement score for each segment. Here's how it works:

  • The CASE statement creates segments based on lifetime value: 'High Value' (>1000), 'Medium Value' (>500), and 'Low Value' (rest).

  • COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) counts users in each segment.

  • AVG(engagement_score) calculates the average engagement score per segment.

  • GROUP BY user_segment ensures we get results for each segment separately.


Here's a SQL query for basic user segmentation:




        WHEN lifetime_value > 1000 THEN 'High Value'

        WHEN lifetime_value > 500 THEN 'Medium Value'

        ELSE 'Low Value'

    END AS user_segment,

    COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS user_count,

    AVG(engagement_score) AS avg_engagement

FROM user_data

GROUP BY user_segment;


This query introduces more advanced concepts like CASE statements and calculated fields. While not extremely complex, it requires a good understanding of SQL logic and aggregation. More sophisticated segmentation might involve multiple joins and subqueries, rapidly increasing the complexity.


4. Retention Analysis

Measuring user retention helps identify potential churn risks and assess long-term product success. This analysis is crucial for understanding the factors that keep users engaged over time and for developing strategies to improve retention rates.

This query performs a cohort analysis of user retention. Here's a breakdown of its components:

  1. Subquery (inside the FROM clause):

    • MIN(event_date) finds each user's first active date.

    • DATEDIFF() calculates days since first activity for each event.

    • OVER (PARTITION BY user_id) applies these calculations per user.

  2. Main query:

    • COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) counts total users in each cohort.

    • CASE WHEN days_since_first_active = 7 THEN user_id END counts users active after one week.

    • Similar logic applies for the one-month retention.

    • GROUP BY cohort_date gives results for each cohort separately.


Here's a SQL query for cohort-based retention analysis:




    COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS cohort_size,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN days_since_first_active = 7 THEN user_id END) AS week_1_retained,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN days_since_first_active = 30 THEN user_id END) AS month_1_retained




        MIN(event_date) AS cohort_date,

        DATEDIFF(event_date, MIN(event_date) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id)) AS days_since_first_active

    FROM user_activity_events

    GROUP BY user_id, event_date

) cohort_data

GROUP BY cohort_date

ORDER BY cohort_date;


This query is significantly more complex, involving subqueries, window functions, and date calculations. It's the kind of query that even experienced SQL users might need time to construct and debug. For those new to SQL, this level of complexity can be a major barrier to performing advanced retention analysis.


Letting AI Assistants Generate SQL Queries for You

While these SQL queries offer valuable insights, crafting and modifying them can be challenging and time-consuming, even for those with SQL experience. This is where AI-powered solutions like BlazeSQL come into play.

BlazeSQL's AI Assistant generating SQL for Data Extraction

BlazeSQL is an analytics platform for SQL databases that features an AI Assistant capable of generating SQL queries and creating visualizations based on natural language input. This innovative approach allows product managers to simply ask questions or specify the data they need, and the AI generates the complex SQL code instantly. You don't need to write a single line of SQL for Product Analytics, and get all the insights you need.

Key benefits of using an AI-powered SQL assistant include:

  1. Instant insights: Get the data you need by asking questions in plain English, without any SQL effort required.

  2. Democratized data analysis: Enable team members across all skill levels to perform advanced analyses that would typically require a data analyst.

  3. Rapid iteration: Quickly refine your queries and explore data relationships by simply adjusting your questions, without rewriting complex SQL.

  4. Context-aware analysis: By incorporating product and company information, the AI can provide more relevant and accurate insights tailored to your specific business needs.

With platforms like BlazeSQL, product managers can focus on interpreting data and making informed decisions rather than getting bogged down in SQL syntax. The ability to add queries to dashboards or weekly reports with a single click and share insights with team members further streamlines the analytics process.

By leveraging AI-assisted SQL query generation, product teams can overcome the challenges associated with complex data analysis, making SQL for product analytics more accessible and efficient than ever before. This allows teams to spend less time on query writing and more time on turning insights into actionable product improvements, ultimately leading to better products and more satisfied users.

Learn more about BlazeSQL